Bill Roberts Fundraiser 2013
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Seawell Ballroom - DCPA
Believe Catalog
Afternoon Hike with Mrs. Beckler
An afternoon hike around Bluff Lake with Mrs. Beckler!  One Sunday afternoon in May, I will take 12 students for a walk around Bluff Lake from 1-2pm.
12 spots available
Pizza/Movie Night with 1st grade teachers
Movie and pizza night with 1st grade teachers on Thursday May 9, 5:30-7:30
Say the Pledge on the Announcements!
You and a friend can say the Pledge of Allegiance on the morning announcements!
Pick a hot lunch item!
Pick a hot lunch item for a day!
Sit at Mrs. Hovey's Desk!
Sit at Mrs. Hovey's desk for a day!
Kindergarten Teddy Bear Picnic
Bring your teddy bear to school on a beautiful day in May for lunch with your teachers!
Bedtime Story with Mrs. Baumann
Mrs. Baumann will read a bedtime story to your child!  You will even be able to keep the book! Night picked by the winner.
ECE Movie Night
ECE Movie night on May 9th from 5:30-7:30 pm.
"Fun In the Sun" with Ms. Leslie
"Fun in the Sun" with Ms. Leslie on a summer date/time TBD.  Water fun and a sweet treat!
8 children for 2 hours.